The Langara Computer Science Club has curated a list of resources gathered by students for students.
Have a suggestion for this page? Send us a message on discord and we'll take a look!
📖 SFU & UBC Transfer Guides
Over the years, several Langara alumni have spent a generous amount of time compiling their experiences into transfer guides with advice, common pitfalls, and other recommendations. A list of these can be found below.
The LCSC also holds a Transfer Panel in November of each year where you can connect with Langara alumni who have successfully went through the steps of transferring from Langara.
🗂️ Langara Course Planner
The Langara Course Planner is an unofficial website that you can use to help plan your courses at Langara. It aggregates information about course attributes, transfer agreements, previous offerings, and more and lets you plan your courses using a visually based approach.
📄 Course Outlines
If you would like more information about the structure of a course, check out the #course-outlines channel on our discord server. We have course outlines for almost all computer science courses as well as some other courses.
📡 Langara Course API
The Langara Course API is a non-official REST API that provides information about courses at Langara. Check it out at the link below.
🔗 Non LCSC Resources
These resources are not offered by the LCSC, but you may find them helpful:
Linkedin Learning Pro
You get free access to LinkedIn Learning through Langara. This includes training, courses, and certificats, all of which you can get completely for free.
Textbook Lookup
You can lookup which textbook is used for a course through the Langara Bookstore website.
Github Student Developer Pack
Free access to tons of software, notably free domains, free cloud credits, and much more.